California's 47th Congressional District

I am a fiscally conservative (don’t spend more than you have) and socially liberal (people should be able to live as they see fit without harming others) candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in California's 47th Congressional District.
I’m tired of complaining to myself (and anyone with the misfortune to be within hearing distance…) about Congress and its divisive partisan dysfunction and lack of long-term thinking. So, even though I have never been a politician, I feel compelled to go to Congress and get to work. If not me, who?
A priority is to fix short-sighted U.S. laws and policies that do not consider long-term negative economic impacts and will unjustly imperil the prosperity and well-being of today's youth and future generations. The Federal Debt, Climate Change, and Healthcare Costs are critical issues currently impacting the U.S. and threatening future prosperity. There are no simple solutions to these and other complex challenges facing our country. We certainly have the capacity to address them, but we need to stop “kicking the can down the road.”
I have 35 years' experience as an engineer and a manager that includes the development of data-based air pollution regulations that cost-effectively accomplish their intent. I would greatly appreciate your vote and the opportunity to apply this experience to develop effective legislation and policies that 1.) address the root causes of challenges facing the U.S., and 2.) prioritize economic responsibility to ensure the prosperity and well-being of future generations.
Thank you for your consideration - Tom
The document "Tom McGrath Intro_1.pdf", that can be downloaded below, provides a one-page summary of the campaign and key issues.
The document "Tom McGrath Campaign Mailer_022624.pdf", that can be downloaded below, was mailed to some voters during the last week of February.
Huntington Beach, CA 92648